Friday, November 16, 2012

Campfire Cuties

This kit is called Campfire Cuties by Twin Mom Scraps. I used this kit to come up with the following two layouts. It is perfect for those camping photos, or even your everyday pictures!! Here is the link if you wish to purchase it.
 This is my oldest Son Christopher, on an annual fishing trip he goes on with his Cousins, Uncles, and friends. You can see how much they are enjoying their time out!!

... and just look at our darling Great-Niece Summer! Isn't she so sweet playing with her dolly. Awww..

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mark & Karina

This is my newest layout of my Nephew Mark and his partner Karina. I used the Twin Mom Scrap kit "Touch of Topaz" to create this layout. I love the subtle colours of this kit. There is so much you could do with it! I felt it perfectly set off the gorgeous photos I got from my Nephew.

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